Saturday, December 3, 2011

Assessing the gluten soy free progress!

It's now been well over a year since I went gluten and soy free so I thought it was about time for a reassessment of my progress and a look back at my journey so far.

When I first eliminated gluten and soy from my diet, it was quite a novelty for me. I couldn't believe just how much better I felt and the whole process of discovering what I could eat and enjoy was fascinating and exciting. I experimented with baking and blew the dust off my breadmaker. I regularly made chocolate chip cookies, granola, bread and other delights and my house was often filled with wonderful aromas. I was in domestic heaven!

Fast forward to a year later.....haven't made bread in months and the breadmaker is looking forgotten and forlorn again. No granola in the container and haven't had a chocolate chip cookie in ages. Has something gone wrong?

Short answer - NO. What has happened is that life has shown up again and I am embracing it fully. I still feel amazing compared to a pre-gluten/soy free and I have the energy to be getting on with life. I have also discovered that I don't have to cater 100% for myself from my own kitchen and I can in fact, buy prepared foods and eat out.

Yes, store bought gluten free bread is expensive but I don't eat a lot of it and I can buy it when it is on sale and store it in the freezer. Granola is easy to make and I plan to get back to making my own supply. It keeps for ages without refrigeration and gives me a treat over apple sauce, sorbet and many other desserts. And.....I don't really need to be eating as many chocolate chip cookies as I was!!

Whereas last year being gluten and soy free was a BIG deal in my life, now it is just part of who I am and how I live. It has found its place in my life and I have found it a place in who I am.

I still am making discoveries and finding new ways to make my eating interesting and flavorful and I will continue to share those.

In the meantime, I am out enjoying life. I hope you are too!

Happy Holiday Season!

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